Read this for your spiritual uplift.
Focus on God’s power rather than on the size of your problem. No matter how big your “wall” seems as it looms over your life, be assured that you can shrink it down until it falls down completely when you trust God to help you overcome it. God is much larger than any obstacle you’ll ever face. So rather than look at the wall that’s standing in your way right now, look at God, who stands ready to help you overcome that obstacle. When you focus on how great God’s power is, you’ll be able to see your problem from the right perspective and gain the confidence to know that you can handle it with God’s help. Keep in mind that God – your Creator – knows every detail about what you’re going through, cares deeply about it, wants to help you, and is capable of doing anything to help. Choose to see your obstacle as an opportunity to cultivate your character and increase your faith while you trust God to lead you through the process of overcoming it.